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A handy tool for DnD and other TableTop adventures!

This tool allows you create quick references for characters, enemies, NPCs, etc for DnD and other similar tabletop games. 

Press the create combatant button to add a new combatant. 

The "+" and "-" buttons immediately next to the HP and temp HP increase or decrease the respective HP by 1 and the buttons further away increase or decrease the HP by the value of the slider at the bottom of the reference. Each reference has a controller for HP and temporary HP as well as reminders for armor class and initiative. You can also drag around the combatant panels to organize them on the page however you wish. 

To save an encounter press the save button and then copy the text that shows up in the text field. You can save that text in a txt file you create or otherwise.

To load an encounter press the load button and paste in text into the text field in the same format that the save window made. The format is "name,maximum HP,armor class,initiative,current health, current temp health, 1 for boss 0 otherwise" no spaces, no quotation marks.


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